Get clarity

in your business and


in your life

Virtual Assistant & Professional ​Charity Clerk

Providing personalised, professional outsourced support to ​small business owners helping them to manage priorities ​and time to achieve the work life balance they deserve.

Offering a professional clerking service to Charities and ​their Trustees through exceptional minute taking and ​charity governance advice.


I am a specialist in:

Personal Assistant Services

Offering a range of administrative tasks from research, documentation design, database collation ​and maintenance, newsletter or blog creation.

Content Creation

Content Creation packages provide on-brand, professional content to help you and your ​business stand out.

Professional Clerking Services

Professional administrative support to include: minute-taking, administration and preparation ​of meetings; providing procedural advice and ensuring compliance.

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my story

My journey to Elodie Belle Virtual Assistance - ​and sprinkling some VA magic!

Life is busy. Life changes. A lot.

Straight out of uni I went travelling and it was a life changing experience. Returning to the world ​of work was the hardest thing to do ... unless you start your career working for a wine company. ​Oh yes, they were amazing years! Taking on all the administrative duties for multi-site call ​centres was a big role and one I loved. But the inevitability of change happened and I found a ​new love in education, working with Vice Chancellor’s in Universities, supporting Boards of ​Governors and writing policies.

After many house moves from Devon, Dorset to Oxford my little family happened and I decided ​to prioritise Mum Life.

So why did I become a Virtual Assistant? Well, when my youngest daughter turned 4 and went ​off to school I decided to return to work. I wanted a career that was flexible around my family. ​And, in no time at all the decision was made - I established Elodie Belle Virtual Assistance in ​December 2020.

Since then I haven’t looked back.

We have moved house a lot more but are now settled in Devon and couldn’t be happier.

And of course, I always #leavetimeforthebeach

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Frequently asked questions

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A VA is similar to a personal assistant or secretary, but we work remotely. We are professional, efficient and ​supportive and will blend into your team seamlessly. We will just have to talk more on Zoom.

VA's own their own businesses. As they are self-employed you do not have to a pay any contributions towards ​pensions, tax, NI, sick pay or holiday pay. You will be invoiced monthly for hours worked on task only - no ​breaks, lunches or time away from the desk.

Is Outsourcing right for me?

Hiring a Virtual Assistant to support your business is a big decision, especially for those who fear delegation. ​But hiring a Virtual Assistant puts you in control, you delegate out the tasks that take control of your day ​and BUY BACK YOUR TIME.

The added bonus if that you never pay for time that isn't worked on task.

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Vintage Old Typewriter

For your safety and mine, I hold ​full professional indemnity ​insurance and I am registered ​with the ICO.

Kind words

Client appreciation

“I recently pivoted my business, after 18 years of running my private practice. It is so very important to get ​the tone, message and look right to get in front of the right audience. Kim has taken the time to get to ​understand my business and what makes me tick. She is in sync with what I want to achieve going forward. It ​is great to have a VA who hits the nail on the head with my social media”

“Kim has been great in helping me make the best use of my software.”

“It’s so good to see professionally typed, accurate minutes ! Thank you !”

“Thanks Kim and again for such great minutes - will be so useful for the Trustees who weren’t there to get an ​accurate summary of the meeting!”

“YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you!!

“I am in awe of your efficiency.”

“Thank you. You are a Super Star!”

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Book your Virtual Introduction

If you want the opportunity to explore if working with and outsourcing to a VA is the right decision for you ​and your business or Charity, book a FREE 30 minute Virtual Introduction with me.

We will have a relaxed, no pressure, conversation where I will walk you through how it works, what services I ​offer, the practicalities and we can discuss the packages and pricing available.

For Charities, I can also guide you through any questions you have on working with a freelance Clerk and ​what this means for your Board.

It is easy to book, just email me and we will be talking soon.

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